Downtown York | William’s Session | Royce Images Photography York PA | Child Photographer York PA

William and I have been spending time together every fall for several years. We even counted this year was our fourth. And I’m delighted! He is a joy to capture and even more fascinating in discussion. He exuberantly tells me about his interests and his ideas. We always have a grand time together.

William’s mother is a dear friend of mine and she documents his birthday every fall with photos. I look forward to her email anxiously every October to schedule his session. So of course I was looking forward to his session this year as well.

We wanted a change of scenery this time. Mom and I opted for Downtown York. The backdrop of the city has always fascinated me with the details and architecture of days gone by. So many buildings speak of the artistry and ingenuity that was present during construction.  The three of us meet near Central Market and started our journey, weaving around the area before we ended at a place of William’s choosing. It was his goal, and reward, for such a great session.

View his session photos below and judge for yourself just how wonderful Sir William really is!

William - Downtown York
William - Downtown York
William - Downtown York
William - Downtown York
William - Downtown York
William - Downtown York
William - Downtown York
William - Downtown York
